Moment With The Master
Moment With The Master
Epaphras, the Prayer Warrior
Tuesday, March 04, 2025Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12)
In 1977 I began local work in Louisiana. Among that small band of disciples was a young man I will never forget. He was a devoted husband and father, a provider and spiritual protector of his family. I remember him conducting his first Bible class with a red face, a gravel voice, and other obvious signs of being nervous. But, what I most remember about him was his fervent prayers.
Epaphras, the servant of Christ who first brought the gospel to Colosee (Colossians 1:7,8), was also known for his earnest prayers. Epaphras was a native of Colosee and one of three Gentiles mentioned at the end of this letter. In this context Epaphras is in Rome with Paul and absent from those in Colosee, but he has not forgotten them. He is praying for them.
Paul reports that Epaphras is “laboring fervently” in prayer. (NKJV) The NIV says “always wrestling in prayer”. This is a word indicating patience, persistence, and intensity. The spiritual warfare of the brethren was constantly weighing on his mind. This kept him active in prayer. This is a great commendation of this servant – that foremost in his heart was the well-being of the brethren.
The prayers of this wonderful servant were accompanied by zeal for other churches as well – Laodicea and Hierapolis. (vs. 13) These neighboring churches were also exposed to the same perils as the church in Colosee. This “great zeal” indicates deep anxiety and anguish. Epaphras was deeply concerned about all three churches in the valley of Lycus.
These churches were threatened by heresy. The best defense against false doctrine is to be well- grounded and convicted in truth. Thus, Epaphras prayed that the brethren might stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12) This should be the goal of every servant of Christ. These deep rooted convictions will help them make good moral decisions and avoid doctrinal error.
The church is in need of those like Epaphras and my friend from Louisiana. Satan is constantly trying to destroy souls by leading them astray. The greatest hindrance to Satan’s progress is those who will boldly proclaim God’s word and will go to their knees in prayer. What about you?
By George Slover
So You Want to Teach
Tuesday, February 25, 2025Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. (James 3:13)
There are some who aspire to be teachers (vs1) who are lacking the qualities that would make them successful. The temptation to be a teacher arises from a false sense of wisdom. Thus, the unwise may create an atmosphere of dogmatic disputation and wrangling.
Every teacher is tempted by arrogance and bitterness. They are used to telling rather than listening. When others oppose his long held beliefs, it is easy to become bitter. If this attitude is zealously cultivated, one becomes more interested in wining the argument than in the victory of truth.
James says this kind of wisdom is “earthly, sensual, and devilish.” Here is a wisdom that measures its success in worldly terms, and is attuned to fleshly rather than spiritual things. Thus, it produces a devilish factious atmosphere. It causes one to look with superior contempt on others. Instead of peace and fellowship, it destroys relationships. This sort of fellow will disrupt any Bible class or business meeting.
By contrast James says: there is “wisdom from above”. It is not a product of this world, but is heavenly. James (vs. 17) marks out seven qualities of this heavenly wisdom: 1) “pure” – i.e. morally chaste, 2) “peaceable” – i.e. not disposed to a fight, 3) “gentle” – one who knows how to forgive, when strict justice would give the right to condemn, 4) “willing to yield” – i.e. willing to listen and consider another’s point of view, 5) “full of mercy” – of pity for one who is in trouble, even if it is his own fault, 6) “without partiality” – one who will not change on a whim, but steadfast in conviction, 7) “without hypocrisy” – not pretentious, but honest. These are the qualities of one qualified to teach.
Who is truly wise and understanding? It is one whose life is characterized by good works coupled with a gentle spirit. James says: Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. (James 3:18) Peace means a right relationship between man and man and an uninterrupted fellowship. Only those who can sow the seeds will reap the rewards. A church full of bitterness and strife has a barren soil in which righteousness will never grow. However, a wise man will try to promote a more productive atmosphere.
By George Slover
Testing Our Faith
Tuesday, February 18, 2025"And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks. (Acts 18:4)
The customary practice of Paul was to publicly testify that Jesus is the Christ. Whether in public places like Athens (Acts 17:22) or in more serene settings such as the synagogue, Paul was willing to put his faith on trial. So great was his love for souls that after a week of tent-making, he would spend his Sabbaths preaching Jesus.
Have you put your faith to the test? I have found “freedom square” on a local university campus to be a wonderful place to share the gospel. There are of course less intimidating settings like a simple conversation with a neighbor that may also get the same results. Online bulletin board on the internet may also provide the same opportunity.
There are a number of benefits from such an activity. First, actively sharing the gospel provides an excellent opportunity for me to test my own faith. It is easy to preach to the choir. However, when long believed truths are tested in the arena of public discussion, if I am honest, I will either change or strengthen my convictions.
Second, publicly teaching the word can help me to see the perspective of others. I don’t mean tat we need to compromise the Truth. However, by understanding others, I can be more effective in winning souls. I’ve personally sat in Bible classes where one might carry on for several minutes about the “other guys”. If I had been one of the “other guys”, I would have been so turned off, I would have never returned. It is easy for those who have never done personal work to develop an arrogant attitude about non-Christians.
The third and most important benefit is in saving souls. Paul testified that Jesus is the Christ, “for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) He proclaimed the “things concerning the kingdom of God” (Acts 19:8). When the word of God is planted in good and honest hearts it brings forth fruit pleasing to God. There is tremendous joy in assisting others to find Jesus, the Savior!
By George Slover
Life Changing Grace
Tuesday, February 11, 2025For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age," (Titus 2:11-12)
Experiencing the grace of God is life changing. It has the power to turn one from a course of rebellion and destruction to a path of obedience and hope. The Cretans were a powerful example of the ability of God’s grace.
The reputation of the Cretans was not good. Paul says,” One of them, a prophet of their own, said, ‘Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.’" (Titus 1:12) In chapter 3 Paul reminds them of their past life. They were known for their foolishness and disobedience following their own passions and pursuing selfish pleasures. Accepting God’s grace involved a renunciation of this past life. “Ungodliness” and “worldly lusts” (Titus 2:12) express the epitome of all that is sinful and wrong! This kind of life was to be renounced!
A rejection of the worldly life is not enough! Grace compels one to adopt the right course of life. In chapter 3 Paul reminds them to live lives that are submissive, obedient, gentle, and ready for every good work. To live “soberly” (2:12) is to hold a mastery over our passions and impulses. To be “godly” is claim the presence of God in our everyday life.
This means a radical change took place in the lives if the Cretans. Old habits are hard to break and new ones difficult to begin, but God’s grace and kindness was the life changing motive that prompted them to take this painful step. “Hope”
(Titus 3:13) would encourage them to persevere!
As we grow in our appreciation of God’s love, it will prompt us to live God approved lives.
By George Slover, Jr.
A Little Maid’s Advice
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Then she said to her mistress, "If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy." (2 Kings 5:3)
During the days of Elisha there lived a mighty Syrian warrior. Naaman, commander of the Syrian army, by the power of God, had been victorious. However, Naaman had the dreaded disease of leprosy.
On one of the Syrian raids a little Israelite maid was captured. By the providence of God she became a slave in Namaan’s household. This young maid was in possession of a treasure of which Namaan had no knowledge. She knew of Elisha, the great miracle working prophet, which could surely heal her master of his leprosy.
From this young lady we learn that some times help comes from unexpected places. A little maid, a foreigner, a captive, a slave, accidentally introduced to Namaan’s household, initiates a series of events that lead to a great healing. Children of God must never underestimate their wonderful potential. In God’s kingdom, many “nameless heroes” have accomplished great things for the cause of Christ with the slightest word or smallest deed.
From this maid we see the power of youth. She had been removed from the comforts of home, yet she has not forgotten her faith. She has every reason to cry “victim”, but instead she finds a way to serve. It would have been easy for her to excuse herself because of her young age, but instead she found a way to be useful.
The secret to her usefulness was her great faith. She trusts in God to take care of her. Because of her captivity, she could not help her master, but she believed in a prophet who could. Do others see our faith in times of difficulty and discouragement? Is our faith in God manifested by our passionate devotion to His work? If our faith is real, it will be seen in our daily life.
What are you doing to minister to others? A word of warning to the godless or encouragement to the faint hearted may be all that is necessary to set them on the right path. Even if you can do nothing to meet the need, you can certainly show them where the blessings can be found.
By George Slover