Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Epaphras, the Prayer Warrior”

Categories: Moment With The Master

Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12)

In 1977 I began local work in Louisiana.  Among that small band of disciples was a young man I will never forget.  He was a devoted husband and father, a provider and spiritual protector of his family.  I remember him conducting his first Bible class with a red face, a gravel voice, and other obvious signs of being nervous.  But, what I most remember about him was his fervent prayers.

Epaphras, the servant of Christ who first brought the gospel to Colosee (Colossians 1:7,8), was also known for his earnest prayers.  Epaphras was a native of Colosee and one of three Gentiles mentioned at the end of this letter.  In this context Epaphras is in Rome with Paul and absent from those in Colosee,  but he has not forgotten them.  He is praying for them.

Paul reports that Epaphras is “laboring fervently” in prayer. (NKJV)  The NIV says “always wrestling in prayer”.  This is a word indicating patience, persistence, and intensity.  The spiritual warfare of the brethren was constantly weighing on his mind.  This kept him active in prayer.  This is a great commendation of this servant – that foremost in his heart was the well-being of the brethren.

The prayers of this wonderful servant were accompanied by zeal for other churches as well – Laodicea and Hierapolis.  (vs. 13) These neighboring churches were also exposed to the same perils as the church in Colosee.  This “great zeal” indicates deep anxiety and anguish.  Epaphras was deeply concerned about all three churches in the valley of Lycus. 

These churches were threatened by heresy.  The best defense against false doctrine is to be well- grounded and convicted in truth.  Thus, Epaphras prayed that the brethren might stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12)  This should be the goal of every servant of Christ.  These deep rooted convictions will help them make good moral decisions and avoid doctrinal error.  

The church is in need of those like Epaphras and my friend from Louisiana.  Satan is constantly trying to destroy souls by leading them astray.  The greatest hindrance to Satan’s progress is those who will boldly proclaim God’s word and will go to their knees in prayer.  What about you?

By George Slover