Moment With The Master
“Testing Our Faith”
Categories: Moment With The Master"And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks. (Acts 18:4)
The customary practice of Paul was to publicly testify that Jesus is the Christ. Whether in public places like Athens (Acts 17:22) or in more serene settings such as the synagogue, Paul was willing to put his faith on trial. So great was his love for souls that after a week of tent-making, he would spend his Sabbaths preaching Jesus.
Have you put your faith to the test? I have found “freedom square” on a local university campus to be a wonderful place to share the gospel. There are of course less intimidating settings like a simple conversation with a neighbor that may also get the same results. Online bulletin board on the internet may also provide the same opportunity.
There are a number of benefits from such an activity. First, actively sharing the gospel provides an excellent opportunity for me to test my own faith. It is easy to preach to the choir. However, when long believed truths are tested in the arena of public discussion, if I am honest, I will either change or strengthen my convictions.
Second, publicly teaching the word can help me to see the perspective of others. I don’t mean tat we need to compromise the Truth. However, by understanding others, I can be more effective in winning souls. I’ve personally sat in Bible classes where one might carry on for several minutes about the “other guys”. If I had been one of the “other guys”, I would have been so turned off, I would have never returned. It is easy for those who have never done personal work to develop an arrogant attitude about non-Christians.
The third and most important benefit is in saving souls. Paul testified that Jesus is the Christ, “for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) He proclaimed the “things concerning the kingdom of God” (Acts 19:8). When the word of God is planted in good and honest hearts it brings forth fruit pleasing to God. There is tremendous joy in assisting others to find Jesus, the Savior!
By George Slover