Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“A Little Maid’s Advice”

Categories: Moment With The Master

Then she said to her mistress, "If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy." (2 Kings 5:3)

During the days of Elisha there lived a mighty Syrian warrior.  Naaman, commander of the Syrian army, by the power of God, had been victorious.  However, Naaman had the dreaded disease of leprosy.  

On one of the Syrian raids a little Israelite maid was captured.  By the providence of God she became a slave in Namaan’s household.  This young maid was in possession of a treasure of which Namaan had no knowledge.  She knew of Elisha, the great miracle working prophet, which could surely heal her master of his leprosy.

From this young lady we learn that some times help comes from unexpected places.  A little maid, a foreigner, a captive, a slave, accidentally introduced to Namaan’s household, initiates a series of events that lead to a great healing.  Children of God must never underestimate their wonderful potential.  In God’s kingdom, many “nameless heroes” have accomplished great things for the cause of Christ with the slightest word or smallest deed.  

From this maid we see the power of youth.  She had been removed from the comforts of home, yet she has not forgotten her faith.  She has every reason to cry “victim”, but instead she finds a way to serve.  It would have been easy for her to excuse herself because of her young age, but instead she found a way to be useful.

The secret to her usefulness was her great faith.  She trusts in God to take care of her.  Because of her captivity, she could not help her master, but she believed in a prophet who could.  Do others see our faith in times of difficulty and discouragement?  Is our faith in God manifested by our passionate devotion to His work?  If our faith is real, it will be seen in our daily life.

What are you doing to minister to others?  A word of warning to the godless or encouragement to the faint hearted may be all that is necessary to set them on the right path.  Even if you can do nothing to meet the need, you can certainly show them where the blessings can be found.

By George Slover