Moment With The Master
“Godly Leaders”
Categories: Moment With The Master"The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: 'He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God." (2 Samuel 23:3)
The common scandal of many of our politicians has caused me to reflect upon the character of those who rule our nation. Leaders from all of the political parties lead dissolute lives. All of them promise a utopia that will never be attained in this world, because none of them reflect the character of the one mentioned in the text.
David’s words gloriously depict the character of the model king. The king who rules justly is as refreshing as the risen sun. He is like the warmth of the sun after the rain that produces the tender vegetation. Have you ever known a ruler like that? Some of them may be a little better than others, but they all disappoint you.
The model ruler is named by two characteristics: justice and the fear of God. The fear of God is the foundation of his character. His constant concern is doing the will of God. His rule would be eminently just. This is a welcome thought in a world full of injustices. You may find him in the nation, the home, or the church. He will perform only what is good for his followers.
If we could find such a ruler, his benefit would be as revitalizing as the sun after the rain! By the sun the darkness of ignorance and oppression is dispelled. The light of truth and holiness abounds. Its fruit is like a lush tender grass that springs up from the earth. Where can we find such a ruler?
There will never be such a leader in this world, though some may make a feeble attempt. However, the rules of Christ prescribe only what is right toward God and man. Were they obeyed, all wrong-doing and injustice would cease. Jesus is the True One, He is the Just One, and he gives light to those who are in darkness. He wants to rule your life. This Jesus can be your King and Savior.
By George Slover