Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Hope in Death”

Categories: Moment With The Master

"according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death. (Philippians 1:20)

According to an AFP story, released April 16,2009, Britain’s most popular funeral song is Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”.  Other popular choices included Australian rocker,  AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” or Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust”.  A funeral company in London polled 30,000 respondents.  According to Lindsey Sheasby, whose company commissioned the survey, “pop songs now account for more than half of the music chosen for funerals”.

There is a sharp contrast between the obvious cynical, depressing view that many have about death and the wonderful attitude stated in the above passage.  This brave prisoner is speaking of the positive effects of his plight: the opportunities to share the gospel.  He sees the good in the apparent evil.

The secret of the apostle’s remarkable attitude is a spirit of complete consecration to Jesus.  His expectation is that with boldness Christ will be magnified.  Christ is the focus of all his hopes and dreams, therefore none of his thoughts are earthly or selfish.  Christ is the object of all his activities.  Instead of doing it “my way”, Paul was determined to do it Christ’s way!

Paul magnified Christ in the way he lived.  Paul said, For to me, to live is Christ.   (Philippians 1:21)  His Christ magnifying life was fully devoted to serving others.  (Philippians 1:22)  It was exemplified by bold living.  Having full confidence in the promises of God, he could speak boldly, thus drawing the hearts of men to Jesus.  A Christ magnifying life will stand up for Jesus seeking to establish his peaceful rule in the lives of others.

Paul also magnified Christ in the way he died.  Paul viewed death as gain.  This is not the assertion of a cynic who has outlived the enjoyment of life.  There is nothing in his words to cause us to conclude he has soured on life.  Paul’s destiny is to be with Christ which is far better!

We can share in Paul’s marvelous outlook by magnifying Jesus in our lives.  Paul shows us how to really live and how to peacefully die.  We must claim Christ’s rule of peace for ourselves.

By George Slover