Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Money and Your Children”

Categories: Moment With The Master

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also.”  (Matthew 6:19-21)

Jesus teaches us about the frailty of earthly treasures.  He reminds us of the value of treasures in heaven.  Unfortunately, through advertising, we are bombarded with the opposite message.  We are seduced into believing that true happiness is sparkling private pools, deserted tropical beaches, and suites in lavish hotels.  Children are duped into believing that they are the most deprived creatures on earth if they don’t own expensive designer clothing and the latest high-tech toy.   Consider four important lessons about money and your children. 

First, teach them that money doesn’t buy love or happiness.  Jesus teaches that happiness is found in character, not in things.  (Mt. 5:1-12)  We must teach our children that proof of affection is not in an overpriced gift, but in establishing rules for building character.  Help them to see how the advertisers lie.  Are those children in the ad really happy because they’re wearing clothes from Gap or because the rocket ship is really flying?  Help your children to not be fooled by such deception.

Second, set the right example.  Children need to see moms and dads making sacrifices for the Lord and his cause instead of Dads working long hours so he can own the weekend “get away” or the new sports car.  Teach them right choices in how and why you spend money.  Show them how to save and invest especially in eternal things.  (I Tm. 6:17) 

Third, teach them how to share.  Most of us had to be taught how to share.  We must first share with God, then with our neighbors.  “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.  (Acts 20:35)  If we will teach them how to be generous, we will be introducing them to one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Fourth, teach them of the value of eternal things.  That coveted car brings temporary enjoyment, but tomorrow it is old and no longer satisfies.  (Ecless 5:10)  The world’s possessions begin to rust, but God promises an inheritance that “fades not away”.  (I Pt. 1:4) 

Where is your treasure?   Is it on earth or in heaven?

By George Slover