Moment With The Master
“God’s Way is Perfect”
Categories: Moment With The Master"As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. (2 Samuel 22:31)
Perhaps the most impressive feature of the life of King David was his constant connection to God. Before making any move in battle he would first consult God. In this great Psalm of victory, David is acknowledging that his triumph over his enemies is possible by the power of Jehovah! (see Vs. 1,2)
It was by experience that David would also recognize the truth stated in vs. 31 – “God’s way is perfect and His word is proven”. David is asserting a truth that at times is difficult to believe.
David first states that God’s way is perfect. God indeed works mightily in our lives and allows for tests to prove us and sharpen our character. David by experience could testify of this. It is easy, especially in the midst of trials, to question God’s ways. Listen to Job: "Look, I go forward, but He is not there, And backward, but I cannot perceive Him”; (Job 23:8). Although different from what we may have expected, his perfect wisdom and love are exactly adapted to affect His holy purpose.
Next, David recognizes the value of God’s word. It is as precious as pure gold. “His commandments are not burdensome”. (I John 5:3) However, it is easy to question its wisdom, especially when we are faced with those “hard sayings of God”. God’s precepts concerning the discipline of a child, leaving an adulterous marriage, being honest even if it hurts, being loyal when it truly requires a sacrifice, loving those who despise you, and other like commands can really challenge us. Do we really believe God’s way is best?
The more God is tested, the more his ways and word prove their unspeakable worth. God alone is the absolute, incomparable, perfect one, worthy to be praised!
By George Slover