Moment With The Master
“Hidden Treasure”
Categories: Moment With The MasterAgain, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."(Matthew 13:44)
A boy’s favorite pastime is playing in the dirt. When I was young our back alley was the perfect place to allow our imaginations to run wild. It was a place to build a city, play “Army”, or search for hidden treasure. We would dig and dig and dig and never find a thing.
On a more important spiritual level, God has treasure that is available to anyone who desires it. The short parable above speaks of such hidden treasure - it is the kingdom of heaven. It is the joy of having Jesus rule in our life with all of the wonderful blessings that accompany his rule. (Luke17:20,21) Just how one finds this treasure varies. Some may stumble on to it while others are actively looking, but when it is found it is worth giving up everything else to keep!
Realizing the surpassing value of such fellowship with God should prompt us to give great diligence to nurturing this relationship! It should motivate us to search the Scriptures daily (Acts 17:10) to become more acquainted with the author. It should inspire us to gladly turn our backs on worldly friends and pleasure, (Luke 9:62) and remain steadfast through tribulations. (Acts 14:22)
Anything worth possessing demands sacrifice and hard work. Unfortunately, many will turn Christ away relying on self-reliance or the rewards of the world. However, a few wandering, empty souls will gladly receive the secure position of God’s kingdom!
By George Slover