Moment With The Master
“Wake Up!”
Categories: Moment With The MasterTherefore He says: ‘Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.’” (Ephesians 5:14)
In this section (vs. 8-14) of the letter to Ephesus, the saints are reminded of their new direction in Christ. They are to walk as children of light, and no longer in darkness, thus pleasing the Lord. They are to reprove the works of darkness.
Paul reminds them of two separate, distinct worlds – the world of darkness, and the world of light. The immoral, lustful practices of an adulterous, Gentile world would have been in mind here when referring to the world of darkness. Even today there is a clear distinction between the impurity of the world of darkness and the light of Christ. Christians are called upon to take an aggressive stand against anything contrary to Christ.
Apparently, some of the saints at Ephesus were asleep! It is easy to relax and to be unaware of the world around us. When one is asleep, he is totally unprotected from danger. Satan is lurking and the sleepy must be aroused.
The cry “awake“ is the voice of love and wisdom. The sleeper has his focus on material interest. He has fallen prey to spiritual apathy, and a neglect of his duty to God. He is in grave danger. But out of genuine concern, God calls the sinner to arouse him out of his sleep.
Thankfully, there is something to wake up for. Christ is the light of the world. His people are light in the Lord. Instead of hopelessness and gloom, and the burden of pain and sorrow, the sinner finds hope in Christ. The Lord offers the beauty of purity, the steadfastness of truth, and the refreshment of joy.
Therefore, let us rise from slumber and live purely in the light of Christ.
By George Slover