Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Path, Root, Foundation”

Categories: Moment With The Master

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”  (Colossians 2:6,7)

It was through Epaphras that the gospel came to the city of Colosee. They had received Jesus as the fullness of God, and Savior of their souls. This reception brought great joy.

However, Paul is now urging them to continue in Christ. The Gnostic heresy threatened the souls of these disciples. Paul uses three metaphors to encourage them to progress in their faith.

What path are you on? They were to walk in Christ. They were to walk according to the parameters of Christ’s truth. Every move and every motive was to be found in him.

How deep is your root? They must be rooted in Jesus. On several occasions Paul uses this figure to describe a condition of steadfastness and maturity. (Philippians 3:9; Ephesians 3:17-19)  From this root springs the fruits of knowledge, love, joy, and good works. The present active tense of the verb implies a continued progress.

How solid is your foundation? They were to be established in faith. This common New Testament theme refers to the need for stability. Whether it is “the faith” (see NKJV) - i.e. steadfastness in doctrine, or“your faith” (see NASB ) - i.e. personal conviction, both are essential.The constant barrage of worldliness, persecution, and false doctrine call for a firm foundation.

These positions in Christ must be accompanied by an overflow of thanksgiving. Enjoying the fullness of Christ will provide a heart full of grace and gratitude. We must constantly strive to do the things that please him.

By George Slover