Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“The Light Has Dawned”

Categories: Moment With The Master
“The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” (Matthew 4:16)

In these verses Matthew records the beginning of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Matthew specifically notes that the Lord was fulfilling prophecy Isaiah had spoken of 750 years before. 

This prophecy specifically details geographically the place where this ministry was to begin. (vs.15)  The immediate reference is to the inhabitants of Northern Palestine. Isaiah tells us these people sit in a spiritual stupor, content with their deplorable spiritual condition.

The darkness is a picture of spiritual ignorance and superstition. It represents the dismal moral condition of most of the world. It is a symbol of the kingdom and power of Satan. (Acts 26:18) This miserable state is pictured as the region and shadow of death.

To dispel this darkness the light has dawned. He is the Messiah that has been spoken of and sought after for centuries. Many would welcome him. However, others would reject him because he did not fit their theology.

The light of Christ provides correct information concerning our life on earth. The light of Christ offers peace and joy and hope. Christ is able to perfect us in holiness and point us toward an eternal home.

There is no limit to the penetrating power of light. The light of Christ is able to reach the darkest places of man. Christ can touch the hearts of men and women of every nation and social status. He is to be heralded in the prisons, homes, churches, and streets of the world!

By George Slover