Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Shout It Out!”

Categories: Moment With The Master
"I have proclaimed the good news of righteousness in the great assembly; Indeed, I do not restrain my lips, O Lord, You Yourself know. I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation; "I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth from the great assembly. 
(Psalm 40:9,10)

David is singing the praises of God. He is extolling the righteousness of God to the congregation. He is shouting the good news. But what prompts this outburst of praise? 

When the song begins we find David in the middle of a horrible pit and miry clay. This describes one who is deep down in the middle of depression. He is sinking in despair. There seems to be no rest, nor way of escape.

There was a cry to God for help. David waits patiently for God's answer of mercy. There is a delay in God’s reply. The wait is long! But finally, God lifts him from the sinking pit and sets him high up on a rock.

The Psalmist’s first response is a surrender of will, heart, and life to God. God wanted more than sacrifice and offering. There must be ears (vs. 6) that are tuned to God, and a heart (vs. 8) that the delights in his will. Without this all else is vain.

Along with the consecrated life is a proclamation of God's loving-kindness, righteousness, and faithfulness. Gratitude prompts a strong desire to declare God's goodness. Such declarations are made by both the spoken word, and a godly life.

Will you join the Psalmist in shouting the good news to a lost world? A contemplation of the depth of your own sin, the completeness of your restoration, and the wonders of redemption should bring forth praise to God. 

By George Slover
