Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Walking Worthliy”

Categories: Moment With The Master

that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.”  (Colossians 1:10)

Just as Paul prayed for disciples everywhere, he also prayed for the brethren at Colossae. These prayers supply us with valuable insight into what our aim should be in our relationship with God. In this context. the apostle is praying for the disciples to walk worthily of the Lord.

Walking worthily of the Lord is not a walk of merit, for we are unprofitable servants. It is a walk of respect for the dignity of our calling. By God’s grace, we have been elevated to the high and lofty state of being God’s children.

This walk calls upon us to please Christ in all things. A conduct that is worthy of Christ will seek to please him in all areas of our life, and at all times. Seeking the approval of man is inconsistent with seeking the approval of the Lord.

Bearing fruit for God is the proof of one’s faith (James 2:18), and is the natural result of the seed of God's word planted in one's heart. It stems from a desire to benefit others (Galatians 6:10). Its ultimate aim is the glory of God. (Matthew 5:16

Is it by increasing in the knowledge of God that we bear fruit, or is it by bearing fruit that we are increasing in the knowledge of God? I think both are possible interpretations here. Certainly serving others is a learning process that teaches us important lessons of patience, forbearance, and kindness. There is no substitute for experience, and by such experience, we're brought closer to God.

High moral principles must constantly characterize God’s blood-bought people. We must promote the goodness of God in an evil world. Are you walking worthily of your calling this week?

By George Slover