Moment With The Master
“Soaring Like Eagles”
Categories: Moment With The MasterEven the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:30,31)
Prior to chapter 40 Isaiah has spoken primarily of judgment. He has mixed words of doom (Isa.10:1-3) with words of promise (Isa. 10:20,21). He has spoken of better days ahead- the time of the Messiah and his kingdom. (Isa. 2:1-4) Now Isaiah speaks primarily to the remnant with words of comfort. (Isa.40:1) The conclusion of chapter 40 is some of the most encouraging language in the Old Testament. Consider some important points from these verses.
First, he humbles us and reminds us of our need for him. The young soldier may be able to use his physical strength to win in times of physical war, but such will not be so in this battle. He will meet with disappointment and heartache. He will face times of faint heartedness, fear, and temptation. Questions will arise to challenge his faith. It will seem as if God has abandoned him. We will need the armor God provides to win this battle (Eph. 6:10-17)
Second, we must know of the power that God gives to the weak. (Isa.40:29) God is there to help! He can provide resistance in the hour of temptation, endurance for the trials, steadfastness for the faint hearted. God’s help is constantly available for he “neither faints nor is weary.” (Isa.40:28) There is no God like Him!
Third, such power is available only to those who “wait on the Lord”. It is available to all, but can only be accessed by those who desire such. To “wait upon the Lord” appears eight times in Isaiah. We must wait upon him in prayer and in meditation of his word.
Fourth, a triple experience is promised to those who pursue Jehovah. First, we will mount up “with wings like eagles”. (Isa. 40:31) As we soar higher and higher, we will be surprised at how the worries of this world harassed us. Second, we “shall run and not be weary”. We will feel “young” again. Third, we “shall walk and not faint”. We will have hills to climb, rivers to ford, and daily chores to attend to. But, God is there to help us! The end result is awesome!
So, “saints lift you voices, tho dark your days! Lift up your spirits, sing out his praise! Upward the calling, brighter the light! Soaring like eagles on wings of flight!”
By George Slover