Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“A Modern Illusion”

Categories: Moment With The Master

There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”  (Prov. 14:12)
In 1954 two doctors developed that magic pill that would prevent conception.  Since that time millions of women have taken the birth control pill to prevent pregnancy.  Because of such strides in science and medicine, many now reason that we have been freed from the taboos of the past.  Today’s illusion is that it is possible to live whatever lifestyle I choose without fear of the consequences.  Unwanted pregnancies can be prevented or aborted and venereal disease controlled.
Such reasoning is indeed an illusion!  It ignores the real effect of sinful conduct.  God made this world with certain inherent consequences of violating his laws.  See Romans 1:21-28.  The high rate of teenage suicide has been traced to the conflict between lifestyle and inner convictions of right and wrong.  Abortion leaves a scar of guilt on the girl who chooses it.  And there are the incurable strains of venereal disease and AIDS.  Drugs and alcohol can destroy a person’s body and mind.  Mental hospitals are filled with those who have allowed jealousy and bitterness to overwhelm them.  Many health problems directly correlate to the way people behave.

Not all of the suffering in our time is the direct result of sin, but much of it is. In the jails are wasted lives.  In the morgues are those killed in accidents related to alcohol.  There are victims of rape who were in the wrong places with the wrong people.  And hospitals are filled with those who have AIDS because of promiscuous lifestyles.
The laws of God deal with behavior.  The Bible is the Creator’s user’s manual.  His laws are “for our good always”.  (Deuteronomy 7:15) When we violate them, we not only lose the “good”, but we suffer the consequences.  Society’s problems can only be solved by self-discipline and right conduct.  

By George Slover