Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Fan the Flame”

Categories: Moment With The Master

Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  (2 Timothy 1:6,7) 

Paul's words to Timothy are given to encourage and strengthen this young evangelist. Timothy's old mentor is in prison. False teachers at Ephesus are threatening Timothy's work. To lift the spirits of this disciple, Paul reminds him of the past.

Spiritual despondency can be overcome by remembering our foundation. New Testament writers commonly use this psychology to bolster those saints who might become timid, and weary of the battle (see 2 Peter 3:1). It is good to remember the excitement we had when we first came to Christ or when we first started our work as an evangelist.

Furthermore, Timothy is exhorted to stir up the gift given to him. The word “stir” means to kindle the fire or fan the flame! However, there are forces that can quench the fire. False teaching, the pull of the world, disillusionment, apathy, and the unloving behavior of a brother can easily douse the flames of the most devoted disciples. Thus, Timothy is must stir the flame.

There is some dispute over exactly what gift Paul has in mind here. Paul tells us that it was a gift that was given to Timothy by the laying on of his hands, which leads some to believe it may have been a miraculous gift. Regardless of what it was, the text tells us of its effect. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  (vs.7)

Timothy must remember that God did not give him a “spirit of fear” or timidity. He is called to be courageous. It is “power” or manly vigor, it is “love” or an earnest care for souls, and a “sound mind” or self-control, that will encourage Timothy to resolve, and to refuse the solicitations of the world.

To encourage Timothy in his possible apprehensions, Paul recalls the old days and reminds him of the tools given to him by God that will ensure his success. Dear reader, when faith begins to waver and the challenges seem overwhelming renew the zeal and stir the flame!

By George Slover