Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“God Heard Their Cry”

Categories: Moment With The Master

"So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them. (Exodus 2:24-25)

As Israel grew and multiplied in Egypt, another Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph.  This new ruler in Egypt subjected the Israelites to forced labor, and threatened to kill Israel’s baby boys.  This oppression would last for more than eighty years (Acts 7:17-36) before Moses would arrive to deliver them.

During this time Ramses II died and another Pharaoh took the throne.  On their ascension, such kings would often reverse the policy of the previous ruler.  But this new monarch disappointed the hopes of the Israelites.  Thus, they cried still more for freedom.

Israel’s sighs and groans during this long period were recorded and treasured in God’s ledger.  He must wean them of their attachment to Egypt and discipline them for the hardships of the desert.  Just at the time appointed, he sent Moses to rescue them.

This enslavement in Egypt mirrors the pitiful condition of the human race.  For thousands of years mankind has grouped in darkness looking for a purpose and hope. (Romans 8:22,23)  There is in every human a yearning for something better than this earthly existence.   At just the right time God sent his Son into the world to deliver man from the pollution of the World.  (II Peter 2:20)  

God hears the cries of the contrite.  We must never grow weary or listless, for if we seek him with an honest heart, he will release us from the bondage of sin, and lead us to the Promised Land.   

By George Slover