Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“The Lord is My Strength”

Categories: Moment With The Master

"The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.   (Habakkuk 3:19)

The prayer recorded here is one of the Bible’s most encouraging passages.  God has promised Habakkuk that he will judge Judah with the Chaldeans.  That God would allow such an idolatrous nation to conquer Judah greatly perplexes the Habakkuk.  (Habakkuk 1:12,13) However, at the conclusion the prophet’s faith triumphs over circumstances, and he submissively rejoices (Habakkuk 3:17,18) solely in the Lord.  Habakkuk thus anticipates three treasures from God.

The Lord is my Strength.  This Divine strength is indispensable in aiding one in every phase of his life.  (Ephesians 3:20)  God provides the armor to withstand the temptation to sin.  God’s word calms the soul and strengthens in times of adversity.  He encourages us to be bold in sharing our faith, and zealous in our service to others.

He will make my feet like deer's feet.  The imagery here is of one who is as sure footed as a deer traversing a forest or mountainside.  The one who rejoices in God will be assisted in avoiding or escaping those things that endanger his soul.  God will guide him to the path of safety.

He will make me walk on my high hills.  This represents a position of conquering and victory.  In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we are told that those who are redeemed by Jesus are made to “sit in the heavenly places”. (Ephesians 2:6)  This lofty position is offered on the basis of God’s grace.  Thus, the redeemed ones are given an exalted posture of safety, a high moral ethic to follow, and a promise of higher things in glory.

Fellowship with God provides a place far above the despairs and doubts of the world.  “Faith is the victory, Faith is the victory.  Oh, glorious victory that overcomes the world.”  John H. Yates 

By George Slover