Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“My Cup Runs Over”

Categories: Moment With The Master

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. (Psalms 23:5)

God has promised to meet our every need.  The Psalmist acknowledges that because “the Lord is his shepherd” that “he will not want”, i.e. he will lack in nothing.  Even though the poet has enemies (vs. 5), they are powerless to remove the joyful peace of fellowship with God.

When we are lacking in such areas it is not due to failure on God’s part, but a lack of diligence on our part.  Jesus said,   “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.”  (Matthew 5:6)  We become so satisfied with the mundane offerings of this world, we fail to pursue the greater spiritual joys.  

How often have we been too busy to pray or too distracted to engage in daily Bible reading, or too lazy to assemble with God’s people, or too timid to share God’s word with a friend?  All of these are simple avenues authorized by God through which one can be richly blessed.  Our failure to receive such joy is due to our spiritual apathy.

It is time to let go and trust God fully. So many doors of opportunity are given to us each day.  Turn off the television, put aside that fiction novel, and let the yard wait until tomorrow.  Do not worry about the possible inconveniences and discomforts.  When you are finished God will bless you more than you thought possible!

George Slover