Moment With The Master
“A Glimpse of Heaven”
Categories: Moment With The Master"He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall be no longer any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” ( Revelation 21:4)
There seems to be an absence of talk about heaven among 21st Century Christians. Unfortunately, in an affluent society where many embrace material things, thoughts of the eternal rewards are far from our mind. Our eyes are fixed on temporal rather than heavenly things. What will heaven be like? Take a moment with me to get a glimpse of heaven as described in scripture.
First, there will be a renovation of character. God calls upon his children to live heavenly lives while existing in this world. (Phil. 3:20) Therefore, when we submit to his will we are getting a foretaste of our heavenly existence. When we see others walking daily with God exuding the traits of kindness, patience, and moral purity, we are getting a glimpse of heaven.
Second, we are promised a new body. ( I Cor. 5:42-44) It will be a spiritual body designed live eternally in the presence of God! It will not be subject to the pain and heartaches experienced in this world. All of the burdens that make this life intolerable will be done away!
Finally, the splendor of God will fill every corner of heaven! The saints in harmony will forever praise Him around His throne! Heaven is more than just existing eternally, but sharing in the life of God!
All of this is yours- in Christ Jesus. So, my brother think often about the future rewards and take the time to share the good news with others!
George Slover