Moment With The Master

Moment With The Master

“Wise Teacher”

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” (James 3:17,18)

The temptation to teach arises from the notion that one possesses the wisdom to instruct. James challenges this notion with the question (vs. 13) that is designed to provoke self-examination. In verse 17 the fruits of heavenly wisdom are listed. 

James characterizes this heavenly wisdom with seven traits. Seven is a symbol of perfection in Biblical parlance. Whether that is the intent of James in this contact is not known. Obviously, each of these characteristics, as a whole describe one who is truly wise.

The first of these traits is purity. This quality specifically relates to one’s relationship with God. It means to be holy or free from defilement - “to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27) Purity is a foundational quality that influences everything else. It describes what is truly in one's heart.

The next six qualities relate to how a wise man treats others. He is to be peaceable, gentle, and easily entreated. He is not disposed conflict. Here is one who does not promote jealousy or factions. He judges everyone fairly and impartially. 

One who is “gentle” is courteous and considerate. He is willing to forgo provocation. He is accessible and willing to listen to the perspective of others. (James 1:19, 20) He is ready to forgive the wrongs of others. He is more concerned about the welfare of others than his own rights.

The wise man is “full of mercy and good fruits”. His instructions are backed by deeds of kindness and pity. The next phrase is disputed by scholars.  If "without partiality" (NKJV) is a good translation, the Holy Spirit is pointing to how one treats others fairly, or without favoritism. Other scholars believe the phrase points to a quality of “unwavering” conviction (NASB)Both of these characteristics of desirable. 

For one to be an effective teacher, he must be a manifestation of the qualities of true wisdom. He must use Jesus Christ a role model. With diligence and discipline, one can surely succeed in his pursuit.

By George Slover