“Praying for Progress”
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Categories: Mission Work
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you," (2 Thessalonians 3:1)
Having traveled to third world country to preach, knowing the challenges of such work, Paul’s prayer request touches a chord with me. There are wonderful families who are willing to sacrifice the comforts of America to live under extreme hardship to preach in foreign lands. I can think of times when I have doubted my own work because it was obvious the prospect was more interested in my American money than the gospel of Christ. Yet, I have also been inspired by the faithful remnant who continues to serve the Lord in extremely difficult circumstances.
Paul reminds the Thessalonians that their part in his work is prayer. Prayer is a mighty power and we must use it. The success of the missionary also depends upon the prayers of the faithful. Those who offer such petitions are also helpers in the work.
First, Paul asks them to pray that the gospel might “have free course”. There were grave hindrances presented by the Jews and their prejudices, or the Romans and their jealousy. Paul commands the saints to pray for the gospel to run the race unimpeded. Saints must continue to pray that such great opportunities might continue and doors opened in all parts of the World. Pray for the spread of the gospel. Pray for God to open the way!
Next, Paul commands them to pray that God be glorified. The gospel is God’s power to salvation (Rom.1:16). It is glorified when it is accepted and obeyed. God is honored by the well-ordered lives and joyful hearts influenced by the gospel. The gospel is exalted when a saint dies with the assurance of eternal life.
Finally, we must pray for God’s servants. Pray for their deliverance from unreasonable and wicked men who are God’s enemies. Unruly men used the judgment seat, physical pain and other serious threats to destroy the life of Paul. He bids the Thessalonians pray for his release!
Pray constantly for the success of the gospel. Christ bids you. His apostles bid you. The missionary needs your supplications.
By George Slover
By George Slover | Visit www